Tuesday, February 26, 2008


The past week has flown by in a flurry of half term activity - and hardly any knitting. We spent a good while on public transport. This was not as helpful as it could have been - most of the projects I'm working on are not portable.

St Brigid has a second sleeve

I managed to finish socks for the young man

And one side of the jitterbug socks!!

I'm not sure I'm on target to finish St. B before the end of February, but I'll give it a try!!


Anonymous said...

Fantastic colourway on the jitterbug socks.
I love the way St.B is coming together, with the shoulder saddle etc.

Sue said...

Your nearing the finish line on St. Brigid and I am sure it will look great too. I love the last socks, such a great color.