Thursday, February 14, 2008


Fitting for St. Valentimes day.

I have much to feel happy about. My beloved Ecru denim finally arrived. Thank you Rowan!! Karin's gift of a years subscription to Interweave Knits arrived on my door step yesterday. Thank you Karin, and I went to a new knitting circle. A good time was had by all . Lots of knitting, talking laughing and drinking.... coffee and tea of course!!

St Brigid is resting for a couple of days whilst I play catch up on the Picnic squares. I have not really set myself a monthly quota for knitting the squares - on either blanket (Picnic and the Mystery Blanket aka In The Country) but it's been sitting for a good couple of weeks without any TLC, so I'm going to zoom along on it until the weekend.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

The ecru looks lovely, I keep feeling the urge to knit with Denim again, somehow the memory of my unloved Denim project is fading from my memory. Like childbirth I suppose...