Monday, January 29, 2007


Just in case you were not sure - I'm here to let you know that there is a God. I know this because my mother always tells me He never gives you more than you can bare. He was listening when I wailed (to anyone who would listen, telephoned dozens of shops I visited during the sales - but bought nothing I might add) into my lukewarm tea about my beloved lost journals. So Saturday night, I'm looking for embroidery thread to finish the hooded kaftan - found the journals and knitting book - under the armchair. You know when you move the arm chair and do all but lift the darn thing up and you don't see anything? They were there lurking all this time calling out to me. Haven't found the embroidery thread. That I can live with!! Now I have no excuse to finish the many projects tucked behind the sofa.

A finished object
Thanks to Polly and Dawn I have completed my first pair of Wristers using Malabrigo yarn

As you can see, someone has his eye on them. Luckily there is enough for 2 pairs!! Once again many thanks Polly.

Saturday, January 27, 2007

We have finished!!

The above is the not the royal we. When I say we I really do mean we.
Miss L has finished Gwen

Miss S has finished her first project, a cushion cover

I have a couple of FO's too most of which blogger won't let me show you but I'll leave you with this.

Above is the garter stitch matinee jacket from the Debbie Bliss Cashmerino 2 book. This is my answer to feeling broody!!

Garter stitch matinee jacket

Yarn: Debbie Bliss baby Cashmerino in blue

Date started: 22 December 2006

Dated completed: 26 January 2007

Comments: A dream to knit. The yarn is scrummy and the pattern very easy.

Snow knitting today

I know... corny
This is what we were greeted with on Wednesday morning

I'm still trying to work out if I should be feeling good about the fact that son number one chose his best home made sweater to go play in the snow. My first instinct was to shout through the window to change into something else - but then I thought it is such a beautiful morning, maybe he wanted to wear something beautiful too!! The sad part, it was all gone by noon.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Kimono Jacket
The pictures I couldn't post before

The shot above was me in the throws of picking up 361 stitches and feeling very sorry for myself. Until I worked out that my 19 triangles multiplied perfectly into 19 to get 361. The markers did help though. I'm up to the armhole and division for the back.

A typical Saturday afternoon at mine. Miss L has started her second project, which will be for for Miss squeaky clean!! Pictures of a finished Gwen to follow. And Miss S has started her very first project. Me working on Jessie's flames. 2 day's later I got a further taste of how I managed to lose my journals - by leaving the pattern book at college. Fortunately my tutor found it and put it up safely for me.

Saturday, January 13, 2007

Eggs in one basket

The world as I know it has come to a stand still - I have lost not 1 but 2 knitting journals - my world has caved in!!I am in the middle of Faye and I need my journal, I need to start the embroidery on the hooded caftan - and I need my journal (the design had been sketched in there) - and so on for at least 3 other projects. You may ask why I had 2 - one was for personal use and one for college work, so all my ideas, sketches home work and project details are in the second journal!!

When the concept of journals first became commercialised, I scoffed and thought "what next". Then I had the opportunity to take a good look inside my hand bag because I couldn't find something - post it notes in various degrees of decay, serviettes, scraps of paper, till recipes - all crammed with knitting pattern info not to mention the scraps and balls of yarn all tangled together with polo mints, lint and sticky lollipops. But you know what, give me back my big junky hand bag with all the crap in it. I just feel sick about all the information and work I've lost. 4 years ago when I felt faint on a bus, got off, puked everywhere and left my handbag on a wall. When I went back 3 days later, although the handbag (gorgeous leather ) was missing, the contents had been neatly stored under a nearby bush - including my credit cards, driving license and my knitting.

I have been left feeling bereft , like a headless chicken etc, etc (I could go on all day about my feelings of retchedness) - as though I can't exist or knit without my journals. And then the thought hits me - there was life before journals and there still can be - in the meantime, of course I've had to start a few new projects:

This picture was taken at the beginning of the week. Jessie's Flame is almost finished now, just a sleeve to go. It's from Stitch 'n Bitch Nation. Then there's the Kimono Jacket from the last edition of Vogue picture of same for some reason will not upload.

So my dilemma - do I start a new journal or buy a bigger hand bag?

On a more positive note the wind is howling a gail outside and its looks as though we about to be flooded!!

Monday, January 08, 2007


I consider myself most fortunate
From Karin

From Polly

During a rare visit to Liberty (more about that and my complete stupidity in a bit), I gave reverential compliments to Polly about these and pestered her about a suitable alternative yarn. She promised to send me said Malabrigo and true to her word Mr Postie gave me a package on Saturday. Thanks Polly.

During my visit to Liberty I sat opposite a blonde lady quietly knitting away. Since I have not visited the group in a long while, I assumed she was someone I had previously met, but probably just briefly. Son number 1 was in situ as well as Miss L and her troupe. I was assisting mother and daughter with their respective knitting projects so did not have very much chat time - coupled with the fact that we turned up half an hour before chuck out time. So imagine my shame while reading Yvonne's blog when I realised who she really was!! I mean, I've only been living breathing and eating dish cloth's for the past 5 weeks and experimenting with colours for my next cabin blanket, not to mention encouraging my friend to make the linen curtains!! And the co-author of one of my favourite books was less than 10 feet from me and I didn't even talk to her - such is life..............

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

A new year

Welcome to 2007!
I have not started the year with a clean slate but a manageable one in terms of knitting projects.
Like Polly I am setting myself realistic goals to achieve this year. A little brighter, a little healthier, a little humbler and more use of stash yarn!!

My Dad
Today my dad celebrates a special anniversary. He celebrates 50 years of life in England. He frequently recalls life when he first came to England. Having come from warm climates to England at the beginning of January, it's hardly surprising that the weather is one of his uppermost memories!!

My dad was the only one of 5 brothers to come to the UK. All my relatives are in the USA on my dad's side of the family - hence my dash to Tampa 2 weeks ago. At times this decision has left the family feeling isolated, but it meant that we rely on each other more to see us through tough times. As the children have grown and flown the coup, we have stayed close together geographically and emotionally.

My mum and dad at a Church gathering last summer

My dad would be the first to say his life here has been full of ups and downs. I don't imagine much has changed in 50 years for a young person trying to settle down in a new unfamiliar country. I will remain forever grateful to my dad for the opportunities he has given all of his children and the legacy he has created for his family. My son says with great pride "my gramps helped build Centre Point" each time we pass New Oxford Street in central London. He can still tell us how much cable it took to wire the building to provide electricity!! Way to go dad.

I often wonder if he had to do it all again, where he would decide to settle.

This said as I dash off to collect my nephews who are staying with us for as few days due to the loss of their maternal grandmother who passed away on Sunday evening.