I've finished the first front on the Empire Line Cardigan. The whole thing is looking stumpy but beautiful. Karin's has blocked her back - it was niggling both of us if a transformation was possible and I am so relieved that it worked and stumpy will transform (or transmute) into a stunning wispy lacy creature. I find it quite hard going to start the pieces and venture back into cables next to Yarn round needles. It does not matter whether you use the cable needle or non cable needle method, either way it's fiddly trying to cable. It also does not matter if you are at the beginning of the work or well into it. The only incentive is the decreasing for the yoke shaping when you ditch the yarn round needle for a simple reverse stocking stitch..... I've not been able to work on this since the weekend but intend to pick up the slack today - the ability to breath permitting!!
Finally the colour is true!!
However..... the distractions are strong:
The hooded jacket is almost finished. I LOVE THIS BOOK. There are many projects awaiting and calling to me!
The cream project is a sleeveless top from Baby Knits by Lois Daykin This is a fantastic book. Can you tell I'm still a wee bit broody?