Tuesday, November 27, 2007

During the intermission...

The Sandia Caped Coat is almost done. I'm working on the piped edging which feels a bit like walking in mud uphill. In the mean time, for light relief I thought I'd work on a few little bits and pieces. Below is the Tweed Beret from Interweave Knits winter 2006.

Of course with me, things don't always go as easy as pie. Somewhere along the line I have made a fatal error. The beret is huge where it shouldn't be - along the rim. So while I'm crying into my knitting, I'd like to draw your attention to the stitch markers. They were made by Sue. What can I say, she's the beez kneez!!

Thursday, November 22, 2007

The mind is willing but.......

... the fingers can't knit fast enough!!

I would liked to have shown you a completed Sandia Caped Coat, but alas she gives trouble - well sort of. I didn't use the stated yarn and have doubled up on stash yarn. And have duly run out. My calculations were obviously a little off. As a result I am using creative craftiness to overcome my yarn shortage.

This what is left to complete the collar and the piping around the edges - not a chance!
The collar forms part of the front of the coat so I'm hoping the blended colours won't be too stark a contrast.
This is what was left of one of the cones when I finished the first half of the collar.

Hopefully I can squeeze what I need from the remaining cone.
As this project is coming to an end, I have started 2 new projects,
I managed to convince the young man that Nevis was very manly and he has fallen for the (and I quote) 'Dracula collar'!!
and this.
For me - I have (rather stupidly) been scouring the shops for woolen coats and not seen any I really liked or that would be warm enough. I've always shied away from knitting a whole coat because I thought it would take too long... I'll try anything once!

Wednesday, November 14, 2007


A finished object - Juliet

Pattern details
Pattern source: Rialto book by Debbie Bliss
Yarn: James Brett Pure Merino DK in Black
Needles: 3.75 and 4mm
Started: August 2007
Finished: November 2007

Comments: Simple and very effective. The mindless garter stitch was worth it in the end.

Unfortunately I can't do Juliet justice photographically and black is hard to photograph as well. I was not sure about the shape of the garment at first but it has grown on me (in the space of half an hour!!) and I can see this will be in frequent use.

The photo below is for Rebbeca - now you see why I can't wear hats!!

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Ploughing through

I'm at that stage in most of the working projects where there's not much to show that is interesting or fascinating. Karin won't see me struggling along the road with my 2 cones of yarn - the caped jacket is too bulky to take out as a knitting project on the go. The sleeve is knitted onto the armhole - i.e. you pick up stitches along the armhole and knit from shoulder to wrist. I've almost completed the first sleeve and hope to start the second tonight. It's keeping me warm as I knit it, all gathered in my lap.
stitches picked up along armhole to make sleeve

Mirth, the tank top is plodding along. Switching from 6mm to 3mm needles on the different projects makes the tank feel like walking in wet sand - lots of effort and little results. I'm about a third of the way up on the front having completed the back. The longed for roll neck may well become a crew neck. My dreams of the perfect twin set are fast evaporating. But there is a small part of me determined to persevere and strike a pose for 4ply twin sets!!

As I sit and type away, Juliet is looking at me wanting to know why I haven't sewn her up yet.........

Wednesday, November 07, 2007

A finished object

Not one of my predictions but this one will do...

Modelled by young man

Pattern details

Pattern: Zipped jacket

Source: Special family knits by Debbie Bliss

Yarn: Debbie Bliss Cotton DK in Navy and turquoise blue(s)

Needles: 3.25 and 4.00mm

Began: September 2007

Finished: October 2007

Comments: Simple classic design updated for today. Simple pattern. Lovely to knit. I thought I would have to alter the pattern, but did not. I have given young man some growing space (not much now I've seen it on him). He loves it and is virtually living in it. I would recommend the book. It's lovely and covers many different yarns - most of them are cotton based which is a bonus for me!!

I will try and get some more pictures but someone is camera shy at the moment!