I am!! I went to an evening meeting yesterday. The shameful part? It was the first time in almost 2 weeks that I picked up my knitting needles.
I completed the back and have started on the front of the baby sweater
The beautiful weather we've been having (and sadly no where to be seen today) has had me in the allotment. over the last month I have planted lots of potatoes, (the plot has not been used for over 15 years, it was full of bramble s with roots over a foot deep - potatoes are about all that can go in such newly dug and ravaged soil) cabbage, leek, onions, herbs and garlic. Young man has a flower patch. This is extremely useful, it will attract bees for pollination.
where the plot is not ready, or in poor condition I've used raised beds
I'm hoping once all the manure (golden nuggets to my friends) and compost has worked itself into the soil, it will be in much better condition next year and I can experiment with other crops. In the meantime, now that the sun has gone to play somewhere else, I better go and change my shameful ways. I've got the May squares to finish for the Mystery Blanket and squares for the Picnic Blanket never mind anything else that tickles my fancy in the new VK and IK ...........