Thursday, June 22, 2006

Pictures are better than words

Silent, but busy.....

Cushion cover - my attempt to combat my fear
of working in more than 2 colours using intarsia

from the Dec 05 issue of Knitting magazine

The pink thing, as yet, unnamed, my own design

The beginnings of Crinkle

Shea has been busy too!!

We won't talk about Mary......

Green and not so green things

This morning - came from nowhere....

This afternoon- hmmmm

Thursday, June 15, 2006

My boys

We lost, but I am still proud of my boys.

Monday, June 05, 2006

Ethical dilemma...

Mary 3 Me 1
I was raised in a Catholic household. My parents had strong beliefs about good and bad. Usually, when something bad happened, or when something prevented one from completing a task my parents would say that Satan was busy that day. Was he busy then, when I received a distress call last Friday from a friend asking for my help? Help that would distract me from my determination to finish Mary. What would you do? Would you knit the smock coat for her child for a wedding in a week's time or would you stick to your guns and finish Mary? And of course being busy, it had to be half term week when number one son had two party invites and friends staying over for the week, when is one supposed to knit? If I say I haven't slept for the last 2 nights you will understand. The completed smock coat was collected early this morning (Sunday) for the wedding, just in the nick of time. I think I abandoned Mary for a worthy cause, so feel only a little tinge of guilt for having ignored her this past week. That fact that any distraction may have led me away is neither here or there!! More soon on the progress of Mary.... I promise.

The pattern comes from a Patons booklet (PBN P 369). Yarn used- Debbie Bliss merino DK. I looked wonderful in my dust mask - can't knit with pure wool unless its Jaeger extra fine merino. I can't honestly say I enjoyed knitting this - due to the tight deadline and the wrap around smock pattern, although lovely it is fiddley. The smock detail was even on the sleeve. At some point during last night I was tempted to knit plain sleeves, but the masochist in me just couldn't leave it.

On the garden front, my experimentation with poppies is coming into fruition.

More pictures to follow.